Wednesday, November 25, 2009

why is this person smiling?

A) Its the best Bloody Mary she hever had.
B) She's not really smiling, her scarf is too tight and she cant breath.
C) She is enjoying the beautiful sunset
D) She can't help but laugh when the guy with the pototo gun blew a hole in his objectivism.

Hatteras Fall 2009

Two days of 20-30 mph winds were followed by light wind days. Beginners had lots of oportunitiues to rip it up. Thanks to Moses for showing us the way to promised tack.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Big Sunday

On-Shore southwesterlies form a Mini-lake Erie.
apparently the shape of this guys head is advantagious for Sailboarding

Somewhere between Honkin and Nukin.

Ya dont really like to see this.

Sunday June 28, 2009 was an epic sailboarding day on Lake Erie. Those sailors who waited for it go off were richly rewarded. Some days are measured by the amount of gear damaged.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Regatta at Alum Creek

Not sure if this is legal.
The face of determination

In swirling wind it is hard to tell which way they're trying to go.

Quite a few BONCers made the trek to the Alum Creek Regatta. In this picture you can see what happens when somebody yells "free beer" to a group of boardheads.

Which way is the cooler?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

2009 BONC Windsurfing Calendar of Events

2009 BONC Windsurfing Calendar of Events

  • Windsurfing Wednesday (WW) should officially run each and every Wednesday starting Wednesday April 29th thru Wednesday October 28th location Headlands Beach West End (or others as posted)

April 2009:
BONC Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Spring Trip, Saturday thru Saturday April 18-28th.

May 2009:
Alum Creek Windsurfing Regatta (Race), Saturday thru Sunday May 2-3rd.

Toledo/Maumee Bay Windsurfing Championships (Race), Saturday thru Sunday May 30-31st.

June 2009:
Grosse Point Sailing Club Regatta (Race); Saturday June 20th.

July 2009:
Perry-nuka-Palooza; Exact date TBD

August 2009:
Bay Week regatta at Put-In-Bay, Ohio; Monday thru Wednesday August 3-5th.

September 2009:
Higgins Lake at Higgins Lake South State Park, Roscomon MI Saturday thru Sunday September 12-13th

BONC Annual Middle Bass Island (MBI) Trip Thursday thru Sunday September 17-20th.

October 2009:
BONC Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Fall Trip, Saturday thru Saturday October 17-24th.

Last Windsurfing Wednesday (WW) & Dinner of the season, before the time change, October 28th

November 2009:
Mamma Erie Blast-vember

December 2009:
First Winter Poker Night TBD

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

garbage shrine

We ran across this one day when travelling the backroads of Aruba. Dont ask me what it is.

bootie surprise

When in Aruba, be sure to look before you grab your booties.


Here is the launch in front of Aruba Beach Villas. Would some one tell that guy to zip up.