Friday, October 26, 2007

bonc financial report

All are encouraged to reviw the following. Please advise any discrepencies, Woodie
BONC FINANCIAL REPORT as of Oct 25, 2007
$435.17 woodie paid jakprints
10.61 mailers
Doodle 1 large $ 20.00 yes
KISCHKE 2 XL $ 30.00 yES 4.34
Centa 1 XL $ 15.66 yES 2.66
Nico 1 Medium $ 12.00 yES
Mike E 1 XL $ 12.00 YES
TITO 2 XL $ 24.00 YES
TITO 1 large $ 12.00 YES
CueBall 1 Youth S yes
CueBall 2 XL yes
CueBall 1 Medium yes
Diddy 2 XL $ 24.00 YES
KC 2 Medium $ 25.00 yes
Zak 1 Medium $ 12.00 yes
Zak 1 Large $ 12.00 yes
tina 1 Small $ 12.00 YES
Alan Ador 2 XL $ 24.00 YES
Charlie 1 large $ 12.00 yes
Charlie 1 XL $ 12.00 yes
DD 2 large $ 24.00 YES
Dad-e-o 3 medium $ 36.00 YES
Denny 1 large $ 12.00 yes
Howard 1 XL $ 12.00 yes
Paolo 2 Medium $ 24.00 yes
Paolo 1 Large $ 12.00 yes
walked48 1 large
Del 1 medium $ 12.00 YES
Lookie 1 Medium $ 12.00 Y ES
Penub 1 XL $ 12.00 YES
StAdor 1 XL $ 12.00 YES
Dpink 1 XL
WSOH 2 XL $ 24.00 YES
Moses 2 large $ 24.00 yes
Brian G 1 small $12 .00 yes
BrianG 1 Medium 12.00 yes
sage 1 XL yes $ 4.00
sage 1 Medium yes
furgie 1 Medium
bruzier 2 xxl
Budligh 1 large $ 12.00 YES
bogden 1 medium $12.00 yes
geekboy 1 large
geekgirl 1 Medium
amit 1 large $ 12.00 yes
income ytd 528.66
cost of good sold 452.78
net profit 75.88

Thursday, October 18, 2007

stan goes off

Although not officially a Bonc- Kindred soul Stan submits to a fin inspection.

fall at hatteras

The Boncs can be proud of our represention at the Fall Hatteras trip. Sadly this picture does not show the trail of COWS overcome by this boncers overpowerering wetsuit funk. We showed them.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

BONC List Down & New one under construction


We have lost the futureconsortium server, I am adding people (I can only add 10 per day) to the NEW Yahoo list, so they shouldn't need to join or what not, patience please.

I am up to 27 on the new list of 97 so it will take at least 7 more days to fully populate the new list.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

t-shirts are done

Your t-shirt(s) is done. You can pick it up tonight 9/19/07at Windsurfing Wednesday, I’ll be at Headlands around 6:00. You can also pick it up at my home in Chesterland or where I work, near Edgewater park. You can meet me at the GARAGE BAR on W.25th This Saturday night 9/22/07 (and catch a Lords of the Highway show). I will deliver them to you in Hatteras Oct 6-13. Or any windy way at Headlands. The cost is $12.00 per shirt. You can pay me with cash or check. You can also send me money via PayPal. My paypal account is If you don’t think our paths will likely cross in the foreseeable future (like, cuz you moved to Sea-Tac) I will mail you the shirt. If that is the case please e-mail me your address, wait till you here back from me to pay so you can pay for the shirt and shipping charges together.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tsirt orders as of Aug 30, 2007

Doodle 1 large
Centa 1 XL
Nico 1 Medium
Mike E 1 XL
TITO 1 large
CueBall 1 Youth S
CueBall 2 XL
CueBall 1 Medium
Diddy 2 XL
KC 2 Medium
Zak 1 Medium
Zak 1 Large
tina 1 Small
Alan Ador 2 XL
Charlie 1 large
Charlie 1 XL
DD 2 large
Dad-e-o 3 medium
Denny 1 large
Howard 1 XL
Paolo 2 Medium
Paolo 1 Large
walked48 1 large
Del 1 medium
Lookie 1 Medium
Penub 1 XL
StAdor 1 XL
Dpink 1 XL
Moses 2 large
BrianG 1 small
BrianG 1 Medium
sage 1 XL
sage 2 large
furgie 1 Medium
bruzier 2 xxl
Budlight 1 large
bogden 1 medium
geekboy 1 large

Friday, August 24, 2007

Updated t-shirt sales list


Doodle 1 large
Centa 1 XL
Nico 1 Medium
Mike E 1 XL
TITO 1 large
CueBall 1 Youth S
CueBall 2 XL
CueBall 1 Medium
Diddy 2 XL
KC 2 Medium
Zak 1 Medium
Zak 1 Large
tina 1 Small
Alan Ador 2 XL
Charlie 1 large
Charlie 1 XL
DD 2 large
Dad-e-o 3 medium
Denny 1 large
Howard 1 XL
Paolo 2 Medium
Paolo 1 Large
walked48 1 large
Del 1 medium
Lookie 1 Medium
Penub 1 XL
StAdor 1 XL
Dpink 1 XL
Moses 2 large
BrianG 1 Large
BrianG 1 Medium
furgie 1 Medium
bruzier 2 xxl

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Last day to order t-shirts.

The last day to order t-shirts will be Sunday September 2, 2007. I will order shirts on Monday Sept 3. I will re-post the updated list during the week of August 24.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

t-shirt order.

Here are the t-shirt sales to date, please review and inform me of any discrepency.

Doodle 1 large
Centa 1 XL
Nico 1 Medium
Mike E 1 XL
TITO 1 large
CueBall 1 Youth S
CueBall 2 XL
CueBall 1 Medium
Diddy 2 XL
KC 2 Medium
Zak 1 Medium
Zak 1 Large
tina 1 Small
Alan Ador 2 XL
Charlie 1 large
Charlie 1 XL
DD 2 large
Dad-e-o 3 medium
Denny 1 large
Howard 1 XL

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

t-shirts now on sale

Here is what the BONC T-shirts will look like. You can order a t-shirt by e-mailing me directly.
I will post my e-mail address on the bonc list. Please let me know how many you want and what size. Available sizes are Youth SM-LG, Adult SM-XXXL. T-Shirts will cost around $15.00. The exact cost will be determined by the quantity we order and the amount of BEvERages consumed by the BONC executive committee.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

contest runner up

Thanks to MM for this great runner up logo. We will make some hats with this image.

contest winner

Congratulations to Cue Ball for winning the logo contest with this great logo.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Logo contest.

Below are all the submissions as of July 6, 2007. Please vote for one by adding a comment. Additional submission are forthcoming so hold your vote till the end of the contest.
On July 16, 2007 we will tally up the votes and announce the winner. Proceeds from T-shirt sales will be used to fund a cook-out at a place and time to be determined.

T-shirt Number 10

T-Shirt Number 9

T-Shirt Number 8

T-shirt Number 7

T-shirt Number 6

T-shirt Number 5

t-shirt Number 4

t-shirt Number 3

t-shirt Number 2

t-shirt Number 1

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Well, I broke down and bought a van. An '06 Grand Caravan, to be precise.

Details here:

Now I'm going to have to check out the various methods people use to secure their gear inside their vans. I'm mulling over my various options. My N-Trance will actually fit inside the vehicle, but it has to be on its side.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

anamomater at morton salt

Here is a link to the weatherbug site showing the windspeed at Morton Salt in Grand River;

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

nor taba 2007

For those interested in the TABA race, I copied this from the rec.windsurfing:
It's very hard to believe we are up to 18 years straight now on the Toledo race. We have a growing Prodigy fleet in this region that includes myself this year. Hopefully we will see more Hybrids this year so "bring it on" you Pacer 300's and BIC Hybrid owners.
Notice of Race - Toledo Windsurfing Championships June 2-3
additional event information at
MoWIND - US Midwest windsurfing event schedule
Scott Haas US-H

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2007 Windsurfing Calendar

I tryed to compile all big known events in a summarized list, also the hot tub has been scoured, purged, filled and sitting at 99F ready for early season spring apre's sailing soaks and sips, taxes will be done soon, have to be the 17th is next week!

WINDSURFING WEDNESDAYS (WW) will be officially starting each and every Wednesday
initial Wednesday May 2nd, 2007 thru October 31st, 2007 (then time changes) hope to see many throughout the season attend! Think I missed one last year as I was out of town on bidness. (yes I know its old, but so are we, one of these days I'll update the ol' baby).

April 2007
Spring Hatteras Trip, Saturday April 21st thru Saturday April 28th

May 2007 (Updated)
Alum Creek Regatta Races, Saturday May 12th thru Sunday May 13th (was May 5th & 6th)

Presque Island Erie Kickoff, Saturday May 26th thru Monday May 28th

June 2007
Toledo Windsurfing Championships, Saturday June 2nd thru Sunday June 3rd

TSC Toledo Sailing Club Regatta, Saturday June 16th (date needs to be confirmed) (last years flyer)
some Windsurfing rally cry for attendees at this event
(JC-maybe you should look into this club seems like we could get a good in

Fathers Day Sunday June 17th, it's been windy at least the last three years on this day, with Barb & Robbie possibly parents by this day hopefully we may be guaranteed a new born windy blessing.

July 2007
Warm Mamma Erie days, hopfully windy ones
Midnight Sail & Poker at Blinky's??? TBD

August 2007
PerryPalooza/Fairport Sail & Picnic Date TBD

September 2007
Middle Bass Island (MBI) Trip, Thursday September 13th thru Sunday September 16th

Higgins Lake Regatta
Dates yet to be found

October 2007 (Updated)
Fall Hatteras Trip, Saturday October 6th thru Saturday October 13th (was 13th thru 20th)

February 2008
SSC/BONC Ski Trip, Aspen Colorado or Sun Valley Idaho
Saturday February 9th thru Saturday February 16th (date needs to be confirmed)

Anyone have any additional events, parties, flapjacks, poker games, etc. they know about that we need to add??? LET US KNOW!

BTW, I shut down the auto blog posts as it was getting too messy and cleaned up the blog.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

[BONC] Alum Windsurfing Races 2007 (Updated)

Alum Creek Windsurfing Reggata is Saturday May 12th & Sunday May 13th, 2007. (was May 5th & 6th)

Pending anything unforseen we will be there, especially as we awill most likely not make the Toledo races this year, which are Saturday June 2nd & Sunday June 3rd, 2007. Sorry no SCOTS for us, but Alum is always a fun race & friends.

Anyone else going??? We normally stay at the Days Inn in Sunbury.,MQ,HJ,KG,RA,SE,TL,BU&searchWithinMiles=25&areaType=1&destination=columbus&stateName=Ohio&state=OH&countryName=United%20States&country=US&checkInDate=04/03&numberAdults=1&numberRooms=1&checkOutDate=04/04&numberChildren=0&rateName=Best%20Avail&rate=000&id=13629&propBrandId=DI&force_nostay=true


The BONC blog can be found at

Thursday, March 29, 2007

pelee island

Any North Coast Boardheads wishing to explore the adjacent South Coast are encouraged to
consider Pelee Island
The Woods have secured lake front lodging (with sandy beach and protected northwest exposure ) and transportation for June 16-23, 07

attn Hatteras travelers

If traveling to Hatteras and wishing to avoid the Washington DC Beltway. Consider this alternate route: I- 70 eastbound out of Breezwood to I-81 southbound at Hagerstown. Pick up I-66 eastbound at Strasburg To SR-17 southbound Pick up I-95 southbound at Fredricksburg.


Saturday, May 5 at the Beachland Ballroom! BONC Nite Out?

For Woodette: LOTH Friday Apr 6 (but I'm sure you already know that!)


Re: [BONC] Fwd: Windsurfing , fast realy fast windsurfing its time tostep it up

I put mine in an Aquapac w/ a neck loop, and tuck it inside my wetsuit against my chest. It seemed to work fine that way.


Very cool. I intend to take my GPS out with me while windsurfing all the time, and
I'm going to sign up.

Anyone have any advice for where to keep it on me out on the water? I had it
in a fanny pack inside a ziplock bag, but if I fell in and the pack got filled with
water, the GPS unit would lose track of the satellites.


Windsurfohio@ wrote:
KA Sail presents the 2007 North American Amateur GPS Speed Challenge. The event will run all season and is open to all amateur sailors, anywhere in North America. The challenge will utilize the format. Prizes will be awarded for top average speeds for open and junior sailors, as well as an overall distance award.

The aims of the speed challenge are to:

  • Have some Serious Fun!
  • Encourage and teach the wonders of GPS download and analysis to more US sailors
  • Create a contest for the everyday sailor, not the professional
  • Encourage young speedsailors
  • Discover the best speed spots in the US. Are there any hidden jewels out there?
  • Introduce the category of distance sailed
  • Take advantage of the anytime/anywhere nature of using a GPS to capture runs when nature cooperates
Who: Amateur sailors (non PWA) of any age

Where: Anywhere in North America

When: April 1 to Oct 31, with monthly updates / awards

Format: Format will be the same as that used at

All runs need to be downloaded and sent to race officials in .gpx format to be checked and cleaned of spikes

All runs must be posted at within 1 month of the actual session

Results will be ranked by: "Average Speed" - average of 5 best 10 second runs & "Distance" miles sailed in one day

Requirements: All participants must register and fill out liability release at to be elegible for the contest and prizes.

For all wave and freestyle junkies we will have something like this for you as soon we can.



Monday, March 19, 2007

I propose that the first one to set foot/board in Lake Erie this spring be awarded the honorary title:
THE ICEMAN or ICEWOMAN (the choicce being up to the recipient)

Sunday, March 4, 2007

lake not very frozen

I was flying (commercial) over the lake yesterday and noticed that it's not all that frozen, and it is march, so I what's the earliest for season starting. I have a drysuit question, but will post on the email too, since this blog is new

Thursday, March 1, 2007

a long dry spell

Could there be a worse time of year? Cold rain- frozen lake- closed golf course. Now the final nail in the coffin; THE BREWKEEPER, will not reopen until late march. Its enough to drive a BONC to spend a whole day in the office.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

boncs and cows in hatt

springs is coming

Here's a picture from the last Hatteras trip to help tide you over the long winter.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


SO, I don't really chitchat much, but I do like this blog idea, and I had been meaning to get a gmail account to go with my hotmail and yahoo and work accounts. I really like the way I can go right from the mail to the blog, to usenet groups, and post pictures. I had some on my jumpdrive that I linked below, want to see if it works

Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm here ....

Ok - I'm here. But I am an admitted rookie (moron) at the blogging thing. I guess I'll learn. I had no problem with the previous setup (thanks Henry!) Always good to hear what's going on up on the north coast.

Mary & I thoroughly enjoyed our weekend in C-land. Just great to hang out with Sean, Carl, Brad P & their wives. A fun concert, and even funner dinner beforehand at Rock Bottom Brewery.

First Post

Ok, maybe I'm retarded, but it took me all morning to figure out how to post on this blog. Granted, most of the time was spent figuring out how to reset my Gmail password (can tell how much I use that account, eh).

From here on out it will be easier, certainly.

We'll see how much traction we get from the rest of the listies. So... it's supposed to RAIN on Sunday? Boo. We've been having so much fun in the snow.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I like it. We used to have a scrolling text of windsurfing, & it was great. I this this blog will work out well. Hope it warms up soon!


To keep up with the times and not tax the geekboy while I am on vacation I have created a BONC web blog, this should eliminate the clutter in everyone's e-mail box as specific topics or events that one is not interested in or is not available for, will not need to be seen by everyone currently on the BONC list. I will be phasing out the list over the next several months. I have chosen the Google Blogspot.

Currently I have the settings set so anyone can post a new message or comment on an existing post. If/when it gets messy I will limit the postings to members of the blog only, so please find the time over the next few months to create a google account/password so you can post/read the blog as we up our security over the next year.

To find the blog type or bookmark:
works as well, give it a test post try

I hope you all see that this should be a better vehicle for communication, or to limit ones viewing, as the BONC list has grown to over 70 user e-mails our list to many has become a spammer or nuisence at times. The blog should minimize this but yet still keep us with a common communication and event spot.

If you intend to sail on a certain day, create a post of that topic, anyone looking to sail can spot the post and confirm the plan, however the rest of the list that have no intention to sail on that day (maybe in the winter) will not need to see the plan or delete from their inbox.

I have had a few members drop off of the BONC e-mail list recently because there was too much chit chat traffic. So in an attempt to keep these members in the loop when they are looking for getting together or maybe when they are in town, they can easily check the BLOG without having to weed thru multiple e-mails about beer and concerts and wood.

Do not get me wrong, I do not mind these OT posts, as they are fine by me, but those without a desk job that only check their e-mail every week or two get overwhelmed by BONC e-mails, in addition to all of the other VIAGRA adds and crap that they get slammed with.

So please start considering the move to the BLOG as an alternative, I will be posting to both venues for awhile until enough feel comfortable to the blog.

Thanks and...

BONC says BLOG ON!!!


Who are we? We are BONC "Boardheads Of North Coast"!!!
It's pronounced "BONK"
We are an unorganized band of idiots that like to get together to do one thing... Get CRAZY!
We channel this energy towards the sport of self destruction.
The sport of choice is drinking, er-ah I mean windsurfing.
We meet a minimum of one night a week (Wednesdays) at the far West end of Mentor Headlands State Park Ohio, U.S.A. (in Nuclear conditions at Fairport) to imbibe in the adreniline rush of beach strolling, er-ah I mean windsurfing.
There are a few of us that actually tread out on the water, weather NOT permitting, to do one thing...
DRINK, er-I mean WINDSURF OUR FAT ASS'S OFF! (and then drink)
This is the inaugural post creation to the BONC blog, as I went on vacation for a week and the normal mainteneance I perform on the BONC e-mail list had to be taken care of by Geekboy we had some spammers attack, so we will limit our susceptability to spammers and the like by trying to get a blog started for easy postings and communication, without the e-mail overloaded box mess.